Good morning crafty friends!
How are you all doing? These are some confusing and stressful times, I know. But…it is temporary!
And fear, worry and doubt won’t change things. The stress and anxiety will weaken your immune system and make you susceptible to other illnesses. So…how can we eliminate or curb our fears?
Turn off your TV!! Go outside and breathe! Take a walk. Clean up your yard. Put your face to the heavens and say THANK YOU for this day!
We have lots of choices to make my friends. We can choose to angry, afraid, mean and continue to be driven with the fear and panic OR we can choose to be grateful and a light to those around us!
Life is different. It’s not what we are used to. This is not how we expected to be living our lives right now. But, we are here and this is our current situation and we have to do what we can to be our best selves and a light to those around us.
I have decided to wake each day with gratitude in my heart. I will wake with thanks that I have been given another day to share love and kindness with those around me. And by starting the day on a positive note, I will carry it forward through my day.
And I am going to foster love and kindness with YOU!!! I am going to sharing some inspiration and love with you in hopes that you will pay it forward. I want us to continue shine brightly as a community, and to spread the love we have for one another far and wide!
So…here is my first challenge for you!!
Does this look familiar?
This is a box, and only one of at lease 4 this size, that I have filled with beautiful cards that I have created. I know you have several if these too! Why do we hoard our beautiful creations? Are they bringing joy to anyone in that box?
I know I have lots of friends and loved ones that would be thrilled to receive some happy mail! A beautiful piece of inspiration and love to brighten their day!
So, I challenge you to send at least one piece of happy mail today and be a light to someone who may need you!
I love you!!
Happy Scrappin’ Friends!!